
Most Shocking Moment

     I’m pretty sure it was the love story that rocked the entire show. I mean, Russell even killed him over it. They were just that perfect together. Anyone in their right minds would be jealous. Never, in the history of history, was there ever a love like this. Truly the OTP to end all OTPs. 

     I’m talking of course, about Roman and his little beanie. Look at Eric. Trying to break into that love affair. Love is love. Leave them alone Eric! Go fuck your sister again!

     That wasn’t shocking enough for you? You’re right. There was something that even I had trouble wrapping my mind around. The last place you’d expect him. How could he destroy that family? And the dog? Won’t someone think of the dog?! However, he did get rid of that pesky Kimmy problem. Props to Becky for covering it up with the whole, “Oh, I just had twins” story. Also, Uncle Jessie looks a little like Talbot. Could you really blame Russell?

Favorite Flashback

     Ha! I bet you thought I was going to say Eric and Pam’s flashbacks! Didn’t you? Don’t you lie to me!

     Actually, I really enjoyed the flashback of Bill seeing his daughter. It showed that he did still have his “humaniteh” and that he still truly cared for his family as a father would. It must have been torture to see his child laying there, and knowing that he would not help her. I thought it was interesting that he still may have hated what he had become. What other reason would he have to not “save” his daughter. He didn’t want to condemn her to his immortality. Perhaps he knew it wouldn’t be everything she expected. I have heard a lot of hate about this scene; but I just don’t understand that. He wanted to see his daughter one last time. To speak with her. To let her know she was loved. Hate Bill all you want, but he was a father. And father knows best.

Storyline You Wish You Had Seen More Of

Eric and Pam

     I was very excited when it first came to light that we would be seeing some flashbacks of Eric and Pam. Although, I thought it would be a lot more. While it did show that Pam was aware of something supernatural even in her human life, I wish it had gone into further detail. There must be more to the story of why Eric turned her; why Eric chose her. I just don’t see him suddenly feeling sorry for a human. I wish we could have seen the first feeding, or how they had to live back when the entire world didn’t believe in the existence of vampires. We got to see how Jessica and Bill, and even how Pam and Tara had to learn to deal with this suddenly new relationship. I just wish we could have seen a bit more of that with Eric and Pam. Oh well, there’s always next season. You hear me, HBO? NEXT. SEASON.

Best Death

     All jokes aside, I truly thought there was going to be a MUCH higher body count this season. I thought Alan Ball would take as many out as he could. That sick bastard. That I love. There were a few good deaths, but the only one that left me truly impressed was Rosalyn Harris. How could you not have loved that death? Kudos to Sam. He should win the big award at the next “My Girlfriend Turned Into Me And Then We Almost Kissed” Awards.  I’m sorry. It was just so fucking cool. And creative! One of very few ways a vampire could not fight back. Also, I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to sing that “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly” song ever again without being reminded of what happens when that fucking fly is Sam Merlotte. I’m sorry to see you go, Chancellor Harris. But what a way you went.

The Storyline You Wish You Could Change

     As if I could keep track of all the story lines running around without any parental supervision this season. Seriously, at first it seemed to me that Alan Ball doped everyone up on Pixie Stix and then took everyone to the zoo. If I had to pick just one, I suppose it would be the whole Bud Dearborn/Sweetie/Obama/Pigs storyline. I’m still not so sure what the point of it was. Except maybe to promote Obama masks. I like to wear mine to church. I just thought that they could have explored that whole crazyfest a little bit more. It just seemed a little far fetched to me. And that’s saying something in a show mostly concerned with supernatural creatures. For the longest time, I was convinced Hoyt’s mama was in on it. Okay maybe I just wanted to see her dance moves again. Still, it was a nice little story filler. Although I was sorry to see Bud go. He reminded me of my creepy uncle.

Favorite Storyline:

Eric and Nora

     No, it wasn’t because of all the sexy scenes. Though of course those helped. I enjoyed watching the chemistry between the two actors, as well as the difference of opinion of the characters. I’m sure most of us can relate to having a sibling suddenly veer from the path that a parent has taught. To see how Eric never truly gave up on her was heartbreaking. And when she realized how wrong she had been, all it took was a simple “forgive me.” The dynamic was incredible and they were easily my favorite duo as well for the season. I’m very excited to see how the whole “family” mind set works out in the next season. Although I’m not entirely convinced of Nora’s complete turnover to the “good” side, I am excited to see how it will play out. Hey, we know Godric chose her for a reason. And Godric don’t pick no fools!

Least Favorite Character:

Jackson Herveaux

     I thought a father and son picture might add some warmth to this relationship. I can’t actually name a least favorite character on the show. I have a sick fascination with all of them. But if I had to choose who I wasn’t exactly fond of this year, I’d have to go with Big Pappa Herveaux. Now, I’m well aware he wasn’t around as much as the other characters, which is most likely the reason I didn’t really care when he came on the screen. Also, did anyone else think the pack initiation scene was a little bit Twilight? I half expected Jacob Black to come bounding through without his shirt on. Not that I would have complained, I’m just saying. I do hope we get to see a bit more of him in the upcoming season. I’m sure it could be an interesting backstory.

     Poor kids. All these crazy parents running around, hopped up on the hooch. Maybe Papa Herveaux and Lettie Mae could go on a demon expelling date.

Favorite Character:

Salome Agrippa

     I started out this season not exactly liking Salome. I wanted her dead. However, as soon as I realized that she was supposed to be the Salome from the Bible, it really piqued my interest. To see someone who was so villianized over the death of John the Baptist, and then to watch her descend into the religious crazyfest, was an actual adventure. I think the idea, the belief of Lillith, was something that struck true to her. To have been there when Jesus walked the earth, to have seen what he influenced, and to have watched it grow. She must have wondered, “if a man could do that, what could a vampire do.” She saw the men of the bible, who many people hold in just as much regard as God himself; only she saw them as what they really were: men. I think it made perfect sense for her to believe that a woman was God. That she was chosen, to live through all of history, physically, for a reason, while these other men had not.

     Sorry to see you go, Salome. I liked your wardrobe almost as much as Pam’s.

Russell Edgington

     Once again, can I just state how incredibly well Denis O’Hare plays bat-shit crazy? That takes true talent, for it to come across so flawlessly  so believably. Most of the time, you never believe the crazy people. You assume it’s just an act. But he believed in his insanity, and O’Hare was able to pull it off without blinking an eye. Snaps for Denis. You will be missed, you crazy mofo.

     On that note, let’s talk about his death. I’ve hear a lot of different opinions. Some people think it was too easy. Others think he deserved more of a grander death. In my humble opinion, I thought it was perfect. It was simple. It was elegant. The fact that his last word, before meeting the true death, was “Fuck,” completely drove it home for me. What else was left for him to say? It was a more than fitting death to an incredible character.

     And who’s to say that’s the last we’ll ever see of him?

The Finale

     I’m very certain that everyone’s reaction to the finale can be summed up into two very eloquent words. Those words being, of course, “holy shitballs.” What was not to love about it? There were vampires, faeries, annoying dogs werewolves, death, blood, and sex. Well, not sex, exactly. But there was a really hot Pam/Tara kiss. And a faerie kicked her legs up and popped out a litter. So, it was kind of like sex.

     Let’s focus on the facts. Lillith’s blood is actually red gatorade and Bill was clearly allergic. Okay, so not exactly. But how much of a twist was that ending? I think M. Night Shyamalan even learned a thing or two.

     I have to say, after an almost questionable start to the season, I really did enjoy how it ended. Even though I was screaming obscenities at my television for a good ten minutes after it was over. The acting was completely brilliant and on point. Especially Stephen Moyer’s. Nobody can play a crazy, blood obsessed, religious zealot quite like him. Kudos to Billith.